Funny of the Day!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
A guy came in wanting to put a poster up on our Community Bulletin Board. Then he thought he recognized one of the moms at the back but wasn't sure. He said her name loudly enough to be heard over the babies. Having heard her name she glanced in his direction but obviously wasn't sure someone was actually calling her. Then she asked her friends "Should I put my boob away?" Only here, I swear.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Me looking at a recipe for Vichyssoise (cold potato and leek soup) and remarking to Davina, "We already have all the ingredients so we can add this to our menu. Well, except the leeks" Davina just stared at me and said "And the potatoes. And the chicken stock. So basically we have the spices."
Oh the things that make me laugh.
Oh the things that make me laugh.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Davina was trying to explain her convoluted swapping of funds from place to place and scribbled on a post-it note. Tera looks blankly at Davina, "It's a good thing I trust you, 'cause you could rob me blind."
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Davina to Tera: "The next time you have a dirty butcher knife could you not put it in the full bucket of soaking dishes? I just grazed it."
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Davina to Tera: "Hey, it's okay. We need these slow days to get drunk".
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
People trying to come in for lunch but can't 'cause a mom on the inside locked the door to keep her child from leaving! Seriously! Locked the door! A mother's desperate attempt to keep her kid inside.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
I just jumped behind the counter to get something and started talking to Davina, giving her a run-down of what I was about to do. Getting no response from her, I looked up to discover that I was talking to nobody at all. Davina was in the back. Doh!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Today's funny was more for them than me. I forgot that I had made an early morning appointment with a company to give us an estimate on doing something about the pigeons roosting above our patio. So 8:00 am, I am on my hands and knees trying to reach to the back of the fridge. My back end is high in the air and facing the windows as I stretch with all my might to restock our beer supply. The two older men standing outside laughing their asses off knock very very quietly on the door for several minutes before I notice them. Oy.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Davina made more whipped cream, attached a new CO2 cartridge and brought it out. We added whip to one and only one cup of hot chocolate and then it was like the lever got stuck or something 'cause it just kept erupting like a volcano! The two of us were frantically trying to catch the wild spray into a couple of mugs but we were laughing so hard that most of it just went into the sink. It was quite the image. Photographic evidence to follow.